6 Years Ago, I didn't realize this man was going to be one of the most indispensable man in my life. One who would lead me to a relationship I have been yearning for which I didn't know yet then. One who would be used mightily by God to have an intimate relationship with Him.
So on his birthday last June 16, I wanted to honor the man whom God used for me to be closer to Him.
As the clock struck 12, Jason turned into a 30 year old pumpkin. :P Thanks to the Friday Fellowship Group, we were able to surprise the very assuming (for a birthday surprise) but still caught unaware, Jason. (Unbelievable right.. :)
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We had some Borough goodies like their lasagna, popcorn and calamares, sandwiches and all. Jason was assuming all throughout the night that we were going to have a birthday surprise for him but when the Friday group "dispersed" and left CCF to "go home", he then thought that it was all over. But well surprise!! The friday group re-assembled in Borough (we were great planners and secret-keepers *wink wink*) So Happiest Birthday Salubong to mio amore. =)
Food trip didn't stop there though, still on the day of his birthday we had dinner at Italiannis.
It was his birthday. But I kind of felt like it was mine. We ate in my favorite restaurant of all time and he even gave me a gorgeous red asus laptop. It was very thoughtful of him knowing that I was carrying a heavy one everyday. He got me a lighter one and I didn't quite expect this. It felt like my birthday already.
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We ordered their bestseller, Quattro Staggioni which was a four-flavored pizza. It had pepperoni, mushroom and artichokes, shrimp with black olives, and four cheeses topped with arugula. We had the best of four worlds! but personally my favorite was four cheeses topped with arugula. Right now I'd die for Italianni's pizza. Definitely one of the best! And just right for this special day.
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For pasta we had their Spaghetti & Meatballs which is a favorite in Italianni's. Of course it wasn't like the Pinoy spaghetti which is really sweet to our bite. This pasta was perfect. The noodles were al dente and the sauce had the perfect blend of sweetness and sourness to it. It was a delicious pasta fix for us that night.
It was really a different birthday this year where both of us felt special.
I felt the most special of course. I have the man who makes me happy.
Days ago I was asked, what is it about Jason that I liked. Honestly, when I first saw him he was okay, but not exactly someone I would drool over. (hehe sorry) But as the days went by and I learned more about this guy, I found out he had a heart that was after God. He spoke about God and from then I knew this guy is someone who knew our creator. From then I knew, he stood out from all the guys I met, with his pure and hungry heart.
He may have stumbled every now and then, but his heart was always ready to return to God and seek Him relentlessly.
This guy taught me how to read God's word and learn more about my heavenly father - about the love of God that I was looking for and that only God could give. This guy showed me the way to forgive and love unconditionally - with the many trials in our life and how selfless love is the key. This guy modeled how it is to be obedient and to love my family - by striving to honor his parents and be the loving sibling he could be.
Most of all this guy not only laughs, shares both good and bad moments with me,
but also he prays for me and prays with me.
He hasn't stopped praying for me in the 6 years that we know each other. And I'm glad that God has both answered our prayers, turning us into the best we could be for each other. Still a work in progress but I hope an improvement from the first time we met.
So what is it that I liked about him? He is a God-centered man. A man after God's own heart. This is my security. That he knows the will of God and he strives to do God's will. To be a pleaser of God and not a pleaser of men.
The more I get to know him each day, I thank God for using Jason mightily and transforming him to have a heart that will not tire of serving Him.
To all the men out there, women may appear to need what material things you could give or a love that is insatiable that even you cannot give. But really women need a head, a leader that would lead them for them to reach their fullest potential, for them to be their better selves. A head that would make the right decisions, that could only be right when God is their guide. Women need the security that you will love them, adore them, and pursue them relentlessly. That we are the only one. That you would love us more than you love yourselves. That you would willingly die for us.
You see romance is not dead. But real romance is possible with God as your head.
And this is what I found in Jason with Christ in the center of his life. He doesn't fear being less of a guy when he's being sweet and romantic. He isn't scared to break out into a song or go break dancing just to make me smile. :) And most of all he doesn't tire of loving me when I feel less of my loving self. God fills him with love that overflows. Love that understands first than criticizes, love that begs to listen than fights to be understood, love that is ready to forgive than demands that he is right.
At this point, though relationships may not be smooth-sailing, Christ is Jason's head, that's all that matters, and that's all the assurance I will ever need.
Happy Birthday my love, I am really blessed to have a man after our heavenly father's heart :)
Proverbs 27:19 As water reflects the face, so a man's heart reflects the man.
Proverbs 20:6 Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?
Psalm 1:1-2 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night